Cadillac Certified Case Study

Driving Certified Used Sales

Cadillac Dealer leverages Dynamic Responsive Google Ads to reach quarterly sales bonus.
Cadillac Email Gallery Magnet Digital

Success Story

Once of our Cadillac Dealer clients reached out to their sales consultant with a challenge.
What could we do to help them reach their quarterly sales goal set for them by the manufacturer for Certified Used.
A check mark in a circle on a white background.

Sell more cars by reaching people with content relevant to their needs.

Vehicles purchased by people who viewed an ad
Vehicles purchased by people who clicked an ad
Total Sales Influenced by Dynamic Campaign

A Fixture of the Community

This Cadillac dealer was well established in their community, but had consistently missed their sales goal for certified used vehicles set for them by Cadillac, They wanted to bolster the sales each quarter to try to achieve the goal and the bonus that is associated with that goal.. Even as a long standing community member with a good reputation, they were coming up short.
Jim Riehl's Friendly Lapeer

More Certified Vehicle Searches/Interactions

The goal was driving page views and traffic to the Certified Cadillac inventory in their site, in order to better facilitate online sales and contact with potential customers.

Dynamic Responsive Google Ads

Working Closely with Magnet Digital, we were able to create a solution to better draw attention and traffic to the Certified Used Inventory already present on the dealers website.
Leveraging an inventory feed from their inventory data providers we created a focused search campaign on the Google ads platform, that targeted searched specific to Certified Used Cadillac in their geographic area.
Using a re-targeting pixel in their website we were able to further tailor the display of these ads to people who had visited their website, as well as people who search patterns and heuristics matched the know users of their website.
By leveraging the power of Responsive Google ads, we could create a campaign that displayed ad content that would be the most relevant to the specific search the end user was making.
This targeted approach of both the users search history, and tailoring of the ad content to fit their search criteria.  This campaign was linked to their inventory data feed and updated multiple times a week in order to keep their current inventory selections in front of the interested shoppers.

A person is holding a cell phone with a picture of a car on the screen

A Dynamic Partnership

In the first quarter after starting this campaign with Magnet Digital this dealer hit their Certified Used sales goal and its associated bonus. While this dealer had achieved their quarterly sales goal sporadically, they had never done it in back to back quarters.  Once we got the campaign rolling and gained more information from the re-targeting pixel and search histories of converting user, This campaign strategy has helped them to achieve their sales goal for four consecutive quarters, a success unprecedented in their more than 20 years in business as a Cadillac dealer. 

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