Our mission is to give our Partners an unfair advantage while embracing the latest and most effective marketing possible and contributing to their ongoing success. We will never be manufacturer approved as our allegiance lies solely with our Partners.

A red sign that says `` learn more '' in white letters on a red background.


Our mission is to give our Dealer Partners an unfair advantage while embracing the latest and most effective marketing possible and contributing to their ongoing success. We will never be manufacturer approved as our allegiance lies solely with our Dealer Partners.

A red sign that says `` learn more '' in white letters on a red background.
A white background with a few lines on it

Market Dominator

Your area is loaded with car shoppers who are ready to buy right now. Do you know who they are?

We do.

A white background with a few lines on it
A white background with a few lines on it


We get your Five Star reviews in front of the customers who bought from your competition the last time they shopped for new vehicles.

A white background with a few lines on it
A green and white at sign on a white background.

Email Marketing

All car shoppers need now is a little shove in the right direction to get them to walk into your showroom or submit a lead on your website.

A white background with a few lines on it
A white background with a few lines on it

Market Dominator

Your area is loaded with shoppers who are ready to buy right now. Do you know who they are?

We do.

A white background with a few lines on it
A white background with a few lines on it


We get your Five Star reviews in front of the customers who bought from your competition the last time they shopped for your product.

A white background with a few lines on it
A green and white at sign on a white background.

Email Marketing

Shoppers now need a little shove in the right direction to get them to walk into your business or submit a lead on your website.

A white background with a few lines on it
A white background with a few lines on it

Magnet Mail

A shopper that gets a direct mail postcard in addition to a marketing email is twice as likely to consider that dealership when looking for a new car.

A white background with a few lines on it
A white background with a few lines on it

Landing Pages

All car shoppers need now is a little shove in the right direction to get them to walk into your showroom or submit a lead on your website.

A white background with a few lines on it
A white background with a few lines on it

Call Tracking

Generate local numbers and unique activation codes.

A white background with a few lines on it
A group of people are looking at their phones in a car dealership.
A group of people are looking at their phones in a car dealership.


Contact Us

Thank you for contacting us.

We will get back to you as soon as possible


Main 810-227-8200
Sales 810-487-4600

10327 Grand River  Ste:408  Brighton, MI 48116


Magnet Moments

By Magnet Digital 23 Jul, 2021

It happens all the time. Your ad interests a car shopper enough to visit. They may click around, look at the inventory, check out a vehicle details page and then, without even a goodbye, they’re gone. They left and you have no idea who they are, how far away they are, or how to get in touch with them. It’s over.

Or is it?

Digital marketing surveys have shown that 85% of visitors to your website leave it in this manner. It’s not your fault, it is just the way it goes. In the past, we would just accept it and move on but, with today’s technology, we no longer have to. We can now identify 40 to 50% of lost prospects and reconnect with them by the next day. This is the genius of tracking pixel technology.

Have you ever been scrolling through Facebook and see an ad for something you were just talking about a few minutes ago? Creepy, huh? That is the work of a tracking pixel which is simply a line of code that collects user data and allows innovative marketers to target just the right people with ads for things they are actually interested it. That technology can also be used to identify website visitors that leave without submitting a lead so that they can be “retargeted” with ads or emails that remind them why they visited in the first place.

Now there is a much better chance that “the one that got away” becomes the one that buys a vehicle.

By Magnet Digital 15 Jul, 2021

While many car shoppers still like to peruse the dealership lots and showrooms looking for their next new ride, more and more are opting for a more hands-off approach by doing it all online.

Recent studies have shown that over 90% of car shoppers do their research online before they buy. From reading reviews to calculating payments and finding the value of their trade-in, most everything can be done from the comfort of their own homes with the mobile device in their pockets. Even signing paperwork can be done without physical paper (big sigh of relief from the trees).

So what about the vehicle walk-around and a test drive? Surely car shoppers still like to feel the upholstery and step on that gas pedal, right? Not entirely. In the age of advancing technology and “social distancing”, more shoppers are becoming comfortable with a more virtual approach to kicking the tires. 360 degree view and virtual walk-around videos are becoming more accepted alternatives to the traditional test-drive. A 2019 Google survey found that 64% of new car shoppers are more willing to purchase a new vehicle without a test drive after having viewed these videos.

Regular car commercials just aren’t cutting it anymore. The flash/bang of commercial video isn’t as important to car shoppers as it used to be. It is fine for brand awareness, but once a consumer makes up his/her mind to shop for a vehicle, they want information. A recent Pixability survey found that the views and watch-time of longer information-driven video content eclipses that of more traditional manufacturer and dealership commercials. Simply put, car commercials are fine for brand recognition, but longer, more in-depth information videos are what active shoppers want to see before making the actual purchase. And if the purchase can be made entirely online - even better.

The future of car sales is “showroomless”… and the future is now.

By Magnet Digital 07 Jul, 2021
Today is the future we used to hear about when we were kids. Sure, we don't have flying cars yet (which kind of bums me out), but almost everyone you know has a computer in their pocket that is digitally connected to a vast network of information that ranges from scientific journals on quantum cryptography to videos of cats being afraid of cucumbers. This digital connection is also a treasure-trove of opportunity in marketing. Every time someone browses on a laptop, Googles on their phone or argues politics with total strangers on Facebook, they become an audience to be enticed by marketers.

Many people think of digital marketing like "real world" marketing. They see it as simple as taking out an ad in the paper, putting up a billboard, or playing a commercial on TV , hoping the right people see it. It can be that, but it can also be so much more because, on the internet, the information flows both ways. When a person is in the market for a new vehicle, some internet companies remember that. They know what the person is looking for; Is it a car or a truck? A Chevy or a Nissan? Do they want to lease or purchase? In what area are they looking?

It sounds creepy, right? But all of that information comes in handy when you have cars collecting dust on your lot and paper ads, your website, and that giant inflatable gorilla on the roof aren't bringing in the customer like you'd hoped. So how do you apply this vast pool of knowledge to your dealership's marketing? How do you get your marketing campaigns to reach the right people at the right time with the right message? How do you bring your marketing out of the old days and into the future?
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